What is a Waiver Divorce in Oklahoma?

A waiver divorce, also known as an uncontested divorce, is a streamlined option for couples in Oklahoma who agree on all aspects of their divorce, including child custody (if applicable), property division, and spousal support. It allows you to finalize the divorce without your spouse needing to appear in court, expediting the process. The waiver form is a single page document that must be signed in front of a notary. This type ofnfivorce is ideal of one spouse lives out of state and can't appear in court.

Qualifying for a Waiver Divorce in Oklahoma

To qualify for a waiver divorce in Oklahoma, you and your spouse must meet specific requirements. You must fully agree on all divorce-related issues, including child custody (if applicable), property division, and spousal support. No Complex Financial Issues: Your finances should be relatively straightforward, free of complex assets or debts.

Steps Involved in a Waiver Divorce in Oklahoma

  • File a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage: The filing spouse initiates the process by filing a petition with the district court.
  • Complete Waiver of Service: The respondent spouse (the spouse not filing the petition) signs a waiver of service, acknowledging their agreement to the divorce and waiving their right to be served with the petition and participate in court proceedings.
  • Create an Agreed Decree: Both spouses must come to an agreement on all divorce-related issues and finalize an agreed decree outlining the terms of their settlement.
  • Submit Documents to the Court: The filing spouse submits the completed petition, waiver of service, and agreed decree to the court for review by the judge.
  • Finalize the Divorce: If the judge approves the documents, they will sign the decree, finalizing the divorce.

Benefits of a Waiver Divorce in Oklahoma

  • Faster and Simpler Process: Compared to a contested divorce, a waiver divorce is a much faster and simpler process because it eliminates the need for court appearances and hearings for the respondent spouse. The waiver divorce is ideal of the defendant lives in another state or cannot appear in court.
  • Lower Costs: Since there's no need for litigation, the legal fees associated with a waiver divorce are typically lower than a contested divorce.
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